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Chilean Chorrillana Recipe

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It is not acceptable to talk about delicious Latin foods and not mention the famous and traditional dish of Chorrillana, a very tasty and easy to prepare dish which originates from the Valparaíso region in Chile.

Chorrillana is a dish that is very popular in almost all of Chile and apart from the fact that it is a food that can be found for sale in almost every Chilean restaurant, it is also part of the tradition to eat it and enjoy it at special meetings and activities with family or to share with a group of good friends.

Recipe for 4 to 6 people


  • 1 pound lean beef
  • a pinch of ground or powdered oregano
  • 1 pound lean pork
  • 6 sausages, chopped into pieces
  • 6 large potatoes, peeled and cut into strips to fry (it is important that they are not frozen potatoes, so that they have a better flavor they should be fresh potatoes peeled at home)
  • 3 large onions, cut into half-moon slices (julienne cut)
  • 6 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons white vinegar of your choice or fresh lemon juice
  • garlic to taste 
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste (optional)
  • 2 large bay leaves
  • a pinch of ground or powdered oregano
  • oil of your choice for frying
  • 1/2 cup dark cooking wine (preferably unsalted) It can also be wine to drink
  • paprika to taste
  • 1 large avocado or 2 if they are small (optional)



Chop all the meats into strips that are not too large or too small, about an inch to an inch and a half wide, and put them in separate containers for each type of meat.

Marinade the three meats separately with ground garlic, paprika, salt and black pepper to taste, add a tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to each container with meat, mix well and let it rest, covered, in the refrigerator for at least half an hour so that the meats capture the flavors well.

After 30 minutes, in a frying pan or deep container, preferably with Teflon so that it doesn’t stick too much, you are going to add about 3 tablespoons of oil, put it on high heat and you are going to add the meats little by little in small portions to cook them well, so that they are tender and juicy on the inside and golden on the outside.

There are those who prefer to cook the meats individually separately but I prefer to cook the 3 types of meats mixed so that all the flavors mix well and save time, you can do it as you wish, also add the sausage. If you have a griddle, you can replace the frying pan with a griddle, which can accommodate more meat at the same time and is better for cooking meat. Once all the meat is cooked, you take it out to a container.


Pour 4 tablespoons of oil into a deep frying pan and heat it. Once hot, add the chopped onions to the pan, add a little salt to taste, 2 large bay leaves and a pinch of ground or powdered oregano, stir and Mixing everything, put it over medium heat and leave it for a few minutes until it browns and caramelizes a little.

Once they begin to caramelize before they are well cooked, you add 1/4 tablespoon of sugar to sweeten the onion a little and to help it caramelize. You also add 1/2 cup of wine to prevent them from sticking or burning, and to give them a special taste, and lower the heat a little more.

You wait for the wine to dry a little and before the onions cook too much, you remove them from the heat and transfer them to another container and remove the bay leaves, which you can discard.


Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into strips to fry, place another deep container with plenty of hot oil and fry the potatoes until they are half golden, well cooked but not toasted or burned.

Once they are ready, take them out of the oil and drain them in a container with holes or place them on plenty of paper towels to drain the oil and dry. You can carefully season the potatoes a little with salt to taste if you wish.


On a griddle or a frying pan, fry the eggs. You can make them with the yolk of your preference (hard or soft), although usually for this dish it is recommended that the yolk be soft.

Also, if you prefer, instead of frying the eggs, you can cook them and then slice them into two pieces in half lengthwise. You can also combine them, some cooked and others fried. If you wish, you can season the eggs a little with salt.


In a large flat tray, first pour all the potatoes and spread them a little on the tray, then on top of the potatoes you pour all the meats mixed with each other, including the sausage.

Later you are going to create a layer of onions on the meat, and it is at this moment that the avocado becomes part of the recipe if you are going to use it (remember that the avocado is optional).

You chop the avocado into cubes and spread it over the onions and then to finish you put the fried or boiled eggs on top of all the ingredients and you are ready to eat the Chilean-style chorrillana cacera.

Grab a fork and give a fork to each person at the table and eat and enjoy that tasty chorrillana, a typical Chilean dish.

Additional notes

Many Chileans traditionally serve this dish on a large tray and place it in the middle of a table and each person at the table grabs a fork and they all eat together from the same tray.

Others prefer to serve separate portions on individual plates for each person.

You can do it and serve it in the way that best suits you.

You can prepare chorrillana only with beef or with the meat of your choice, including seafood.

There are people who in some regions also optionally add chopped tomatoes to give it a different touch, and are other people who, instead of making layers with the ingredients, prefer to stir them a little and mix them all before serving them.

In reality today there are various ways to prepare chorrillana depending on the region of the country in which it is prepared.

The important thing about all this is that chorrillana is a traditional dish full of flavor which is perfect to enjoy in the company of our loved ones, so enjoy it greatly sharing with your family and friends and bon appetit.

Don’t forget to leave us your comments. Tell us if you liked the recipe, if you put it into practice and if it was useful to you. Share with us what your experience was with this recipe and let us know if you ate it in a group from the same container or if you ate it on individual plates.

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